Letters/Online Comments

Ordinance inspections

Facebook comments: Columnist Jim Matthews has some ideas of how to ramp up fishing participation in California.

Jerry Clanton: The reasons for the decline are multi. First: the last time I bought a license was just before I left for good. Price: $64 and that didn’t include all the stamps. Second: The fishing sucks! It has never recovered completely from the days of gill netting, over fishing and now restrictions on where you can fish. Zone this, zone that way too complicated. Out of state, as a senior, I can fish from shore for free and If I choose to buy a license, the price is $17 and the fishing is better by far! In short, as long as the license price continues to climb and the catch continues to decrease, expect the same for sales of licenses and eventually sales of gear will also decrease.

Ordinance inspections

Re: San Miguel Island expected to be open for public access in 2016 (
Jan. 15 issue). Yeah! Since it is a national park you cannot utilize a metal detector to inspect your path or campsite. Happy camping!

Submitted on TheLog.com

Not happening anytime soon

Re: Port of San Diego hopes to cash in on aquaculture opportunities
(Jan. 15 issue). Nice article which makes sense , but the obstacles the Coastal Commission and Fish and Game Dept have set up will prevent this from happening.

John Riordan
Submitted on TheLog.com

San Diego Bay aquaculture

Re: Port of San Diego hopes to cash in on aquaculture opportunities
(Jan. 15 issue).One question: Who wants to eat any fish raised in San Diego Bay? I can see this in the ocean like Mexico does of the Coronados.

Submitted on TheLog.com

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