
Attempt to make E15 available year-round fails in Senate

A federal proposal to make fuel containing higher blends of Ethanolethanol available year-round failed to advance from a Senate committee, according to news reports. Senate Bill 517, introduced in March by Sen. Deb Fisher, R-Nebraska, would have allowed for increased availability of fuels with 15 percent ethanol (E15) or greater. Various boating interest groups have long argued marine engines are incompatible with E15 fuel.

The Clean Air Act currently places limitations on E15 fuel blends during summer months. E10, or fuel blends with 10 percent ethanol, were exempt from the Clean Air Act limitation.

S. 517, which was in front of the Senate’s Environment and Public Works Committee, won’t continue through the legislative process, meaning current limitations on E15 would remain in place.

Parimal M. Rohit photo

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One thought on “Attempt to make E15 available year-round fails in Senate

  • E15 can be sold year round in reformulated gasoline markets (RFG – which is 30% of all fuel sold) without any action from Congress or EPA. EPA Administrator announced late yesterday that he was exploring options to fix this issue administratively without Congress.



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