
DBW opens grant application process for floating restrooms

California’s Division of Boating and Waterways, or DBW, announced it is accepting grant applications “from public government entities for the purchase/deployment and maintenance of floating restrooms across [the state’s] waterways.

The state’s Floating Restroom Grant Program was instituted to reduce pollution from recreational boater sewage but implementing floating public restrooms where such services would otherwise be unavailable.

“[More than] one million gallons of sewage are kept out of California’s waterways each year with the use of floating restrooms,” DBW staff said in a released statement. “Solar-powered, the holding tanks of these facilities capture about 500 gallons of sewage.

“Earlier engineering designs of floating restrooms were known as S.S. Relief Stations. California State Parks engineering group re-designed the restrooms for this 2019 grant cycle to be ADA compliant,” DBW staff continued.

This year’s funding budget is $840,000, from both federal and state resources.

“[The funding] is available for the purchase and deployment of approximately nine DBW-designed and developed ADA-compliant floating restrooms,” DBW staff stated. “Grants are also available to offset ongoing operation and maintenance costs of these units. To be eligible for funding, grant applicants must operate a California lake or reservoir that is open to the public.”

Grant recipients will likely be announced in early 2019.

“The Floating Restroom Grant Program is available through the Clean Vessel Act, which is funded by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife, Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program and the Harbors and Watercraft Revolving Fund,” DBS staff stated. “More than 260 floating restrooms have been placed on California lakes and reservoirs through this grant program since 1972. About 160 restrooms are currently deployed.”

Information about grant requirements and an online application can be found on DBW’s Floating Restroom Grant webpage, located at

Applications will be accepted until 5 p.m., Pacific Standard Time, on Nov. 15.

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