
BCYC Celebrates 56th anniversary

BCYC Celebrates 56th anniversary

Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club — the friendliest yacht club on the bay –held its 2014 Opening Day ceremony, May 10, officially kicking off the club’s activities. The jam-packed agenda included a presentation of colors by Newport Beach Troop 90 Sea Base Boy Scouts’, followed by Bahia Corinthian YC member Tim Whelan, singing the Star Spangled Banner, a Harbor Patrol Fireboat salute; an awards presentation and the introduction of officers, directors, junior officers and junior directors. There was also a special introduction of the Las Commodoras president and board; and very special thanks and recognition of the invited U.S. Marines from Camp Pendleton.

With final formalities, the Club Burgee was raised, the cannon fired, and Bahia Corinthian YC was officially open for the 2014 boating season.

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