US Harbors to celebrate first-ever Harbormaster Appreciation Day on Oct. 8
US Harbors, the national recreational boating organization offering information on tides, weather and other boater amenities, is sponsoring National Harbormaster Appreciation Day on Oct. 8. The organization has been accepting nominations to recognize harbormasters across the country.
Only one harbormaster from California was on the list of nominations, as of press time. (The list was not complete, however, and no deadline was given for nominations.) The sole harbormaster to be recognized from California (so far) is Scott Grindy, who operates San Francisco Marina and Small Craft Harbor.
Other harbormasters being recognized, to date, represent marinas from the Atlantic Seaboard, with most of them hailing from Maine or Massachusetts.
This year’s Harbormaster Appreciation Day is the first of its kind. The day is registered with the National Day Archive and recognizes the work of harbor and port masters across the country. Harbormaster Appreciation Day will occur each year on Oct. 8.
Visit for more information about the national day. Find out more about US Harbors at