Two Harbors Mooring Special Announced: Pay for a Night, Stay for a Week
Byline: Taylor Hill
TWO HARBORS — While most boaters picture Santa Catalina Island as a summer destination, Two Harbors’ vice president of visitor operations and marketing Phillip Winter has been on a mission to change that notion.
In February, Winter traveled to nearly every Southern California marina from Santa Barbara to the Mexico border, passing out brochures and informing dockmasters and marina managers about a Two Harbors “special deal” for boaters who visit in March.
This month, boaters who visit the island can pay for one day at a mooring site and stay for a week.
“This really is just a good introduction for boaters new to Two Harbors, to come and see what we are about,” Winter said. “This time of year, we are not as crowded as in the summer, so we can help new visitors — one by one — and make mooring their boat as easy as possible.”
Visitors will also get free shoreboat rides for boats moored in Isthmus Cove, a full-day kayak rental at Two Harbors Dive and Recreation, complimentary coffee at the West End Galley and a free bottle of wine when purchasing two entrees at the Harbor Reef Restaurant.
For more information on Two Harbors, call (310) 510-4205 or go to