
Coastal Commission Approves Oyster Shoreline Pilot Project Near Chula Vista Bayfront

The California Coastal Commission has approved an amendment to the Port of San Diego’s Port Master Plan for a native oyster living shoreline pilot project and study. The pilot project involves placing oyster reef ball elements near the Chula Vista bayfront with the goal of attracting and establishing native oyster populations while also protecting the shoreline from impacts related to future sea level rise.

Prior to installation and due to its proposed location, the project required a Port Master Plan Amendment, which was approved by the San Diego Board of Port Commissioners at its Dec. 8, 2020 meeting. That amendment also needed to be certified by the California Coastal Commission, which happened at the commission’s Feb. 10 meeting.

Installation is anticipated to occur in early spring. A five-year biological monitoring program will be used to assess the effectiveness of baycrete elements in establishing native oyster reefs that protect shorelines from erosion while providing important habitat for wetlands, aquatic plants and ecologically and commercially important wildlife.

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