
DBW accepting grant applications for boating safety and abandoned vessels

California’s Division of Boating and Waterways (DBW) announced it is accepting applications for grant programs on boating safety and abandoned vessels. DBW stated $3.75 million in grant funding would be made available to eligible applicants. Public entities can apply for grant funding through the Boating Safety and Enforcement Equipment (BSEE) and Surrendered and Abandoned Vessel Exchange (SAVE). Those awarded the BSEE grant would be eligible to receive a portion of up to $1 million, while SAVE awardees are vying for a slice of the program’s $2.75 million of available funds

The application period is open from March 16 to April 16. DBW will host two free workshops to provide applicants with information about the grants and application process. Both workshops will be held at DBW headquarters in Sacramento, April 2.

The BSEE workshop will be held from 10 a.m. to noon on April 2; contact Johanna Naughton at 916-327-1826 or johanna.naughton@parks.ca.gov to RSVP.

The SAVE workshop begins at 1 p.m. on April 2 and runs to 3 p.m. Reach out to Ron Kent at 916-327-1825 or ron.kent@parks.ca.gov to reserve a space.

DBW headquarters is located at One Capitol Mall, Suite 500, Sacramento, California 95814.

The BSEE and SAVE workshops can be accessed via teleconference; both workshops will also be recorded and made available to anyone unable to attend in person.

Award winners should be announced in April, according to DBW.

DBW awarded 46 BSEE and SAVE grants in 2019, totaling $3.7 million. There were 16 BSEE recipients last year; they received a combined $1.1 million. The 30 SAVE grant recipients divvied up $2.6 million.

BSEE grants, according to DBW, are “available to local government agencies that can demonstrate a need for patrol boats, engines, personal watercraft, search and rescue equipment, and patrol and diving equipment.” The U.S. Coast Guard Recreational Boating Safety Program provides funding for BSEE grants.

The SAVE grant program, meanwhile, “is available to local public agencies statewide to receive surrendered vessels and to remove and dispose of derelict vessels on coastal and inland waterways,” DBW staff stated.

The $2.75 million available for the SAVE program is available through California’s Abandoned Watercraft Abatement Fund.

Grants are awarded, according to DBW, “on a competitive basis to eligible public agencies based on demonstrated need.”

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