L.A. County Beaches and Harbors Director Recommended for New Role
Byline: The Log Staff
LOS ANGELES — The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors has recommended that Los Angeles County Department of Beaches and Harbors director Santos H. Kreimann be appointed as the county’s new chief deputy assessor, to manage the assessor’s office during John Noguez’ leave of absence.
Noguez had previously announced that he will take a voluntary leave of absence during an ongoing investigation within the assessor’s office. The new chief deputy Assessor is expected to act as department head in the assessor’s absence.
“I thank the Board of Supervisors for taking immediate action on my request to make a recommendation,” Noguez said. “I am looking forward to appointing Mr. Kreimann as chief deputy. As soon as he assumes his position, I will begin my leave of absence.”
During the absence of the county assessor, the chief deputy will be in charge of the assessor’s office. “I encourage my staff to support Santos Kreimann during my absence,” Noguez said. “He will have my full authority to manage and oversee the department.”
Kreimann was appointed director of the Department of Beaches and Harbors Jan. 27, 2009. He is a longtime county employee with more than 18 years of experience in various county departments, including the treasurer and tax collector’s office, the Department of Health Services, the chief administrative office and the Department of Beaches and Harbors.