Port issues Solicitation for Development of up to 57 Acres on Harbor Island
SAN DIEGO — As part of efforts to promote quality development to enhance San Diego as a world-class destination, the Port of San Diego is now accepting visionary redevelopment proposals for a high-potential site on Harbor Island.
Development teams are encouraged to view and respond to a Solicitation for Statement of Interest, Qualifications and Vision, which was issued on Oct. 26. Proposals are due by Dec. 29. The full solicitation can be viewed at tinyurl.com/no5epht.
The area encompasses approximately 44 acres of land and 13 acres of water, a total of 57 acres, on East Harbor Island. It includes 9 acres currently entitled for a 500-room hotel, but not limited to that use. This property offers a rare occasion for one or more developers to re-imagine commercial, community and recreational space that has the potential to become iconic in the region. The land on Harbor Island is currently in use by three rental car companies, which are preparing to relocate to a consolidated facility in 2016; as well as aviation-related industry and the Harbor Police Department Headquarters. Harbor Island is also home to hotels and restaurants and has a strong water connection through its marinas and related services.
The Board of Port Commissioners authorized staff to issue the solicitation for redevelopment in order to explore market options and ultimately select the best possible proposal. Proposals may include one of more of the following programmatic components: retail/restaurants; public open space; maritime-related or water-dependent public agency use office space; hotel(s), and consolidated Harbor Police Department/Port Administration Headquarters.