
Shoreline Marina Fuel Dock Reopens to Boaters

Byline: Ambrosia Brody

Shoreline Marina Fuel Dock Reopens to Boaters

LONG BEACH — Boaters needing to refuel at Shoreline Marina can now once again use the Shoreline Marina fuel dock — for the first time after several years of closure.

The fuel dock reopened Friday, May 24, just in time for Memorial Day weekend and the busy boating season.

“The fuel is flowing,” said Long Beach Marine Bureau manager Mark Sandoval. “It’s been long-awaited by boaters.”

The Shoreline Marina fuel dock had been shut down since 2008, when updated state regulations for fuel dispensaries required double-walled barriers for fuel storage tanks and reinforced piping. The old underground fuel tanks and pipelines were removed from the parking lot and jetty in 2010.

The project has been funded by the city’s Marina Fund. Approximately $2.2 million from the Marine Fund Reserve has been put toward the fuel dock upgrades.

During the years of closure, boaters who used to frequent Shoreline Marina fuel dock were rerouted to the Alamitos Bay fuel dock. Fortunately, that is no longer necessary. The Shoreline Marina fuel dock’s former 100-foot-long, 1,580-square-foot dock float was replaced by a new 105-foot-long, 2,068-square-foot dock float. The float now houses a 380-square-foot office, store and public restroom.

Phase 1 of Alamitos Bay Marina Rebuild Complete
In other news, the first phase of the Alamitos Bay Marina rebuild is complete, and tenants are moving into the slips, Sandoval said.

“Folks are moving in as we speak,” said Sandoval, who confirmed that tenants began occupying the concrete slips on May 15.

The project was permitted in two phases. The first phase included work on docks #1 and #2, with docks #3, #4 and #5 in the second phase of work. Docks included in the second phase are expected to open in July, he said.

Slips range in size from 50-115 feet in length on docks #1 and #2.

The first phase of the project, which included the rebuild of Basin 4, had a $25 million price tag. The California Department of Boating and Waterways provided an $18.3 million loan toward the project.

Phase 2 of the project will cover work on Basin 1 and is expected to cost $19.3 million. A California Department of Boating and Waterways loan will pay $12.1 million of the project’s cost.

When completed, Alamitos Bay will have 308 fewer slips, losing many in the 20- to 30-foot range, while gaining slips in the 35- to 50-foot range. Alamitos Bay’s current 1,967-slip total will be reduced to 1,646.

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