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74th Annual Catalina Water Ski Race

CATALINA ISLAND— The 74th Annual Catalina Water Ski Race (CSR) will take place July 22 at 9 a.m. The race will take off between the Long Beach Oil Islands, reach Avalon, and then turns around and finishes back in Long Beach near the Queen Mary. The CSR is one of the most premier water ski races in the world, but the CSR is more than just a race. The annual CSR is a competition where contestants travel at speeds greater than 60 mph and up to 90 mph from Long Beach to Catalina Island for a total of 62 miles of racing— a test that is as mental as physical. This year, the event’s title sponsor is Delta Marine along with 22 other sponsors.


With its rich history, quality of competition, and challenge of the open ocean, the CSR earned its place in the worldwide spotlight.


Water skiers from around the globe come to participate. This race has notoriety because of the number of participants and because it is the only open-ocean ski race regularly scheduled anywhere in the world. It is a unique challenge to compete across 62 miles of ocean. It is highly coveted and followed around the ski racing world.


The start time is 9 a.m., and Queen Mary visitors should be able to watch the race from aboard the ship. A 14” commemorative silver plate will be awarded to first, second, and third place for each class— there are 17 classes. Each boat entry is $400, and the fee includes the entire team— driver, observer, skier, and navigator. 


For more information, please visit

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