Letters/Online Comments
Re: SB 1 and Boaters: What you need to know about the gas tax hike (June 2-15 issue)
Gas tax repeal
Letter to the Editor: In your article “SB 1 and Boaters: What you need to know about the Gas Tax Hike,” you made the Gas Tax Hikes sound as if they are a foregone conclusion. In fact, there are very strong efforts underway to get the Gas Tax repealed. Also, to get elected officials recalled that voted for the tax (Stopthecartax.org). This would send shots across the bows of other Sacramento Politicians that enough is enough with taxing Californians. We already pay the highest Gas Tax in the Country which is supposed to go to Road Repair, but is stolen to pay for things like Government Pensions and entitlement programs. Any additional taxes on Marine Fuel is going to seriously hamper the entire Marine Industry. Boats do not use the roads: why are boaters being taxed to fix them?
David Beek
Island Marine Fuel, Balboa Island
How high will the taxes go?
Wow the Commies in Sacramento are just doing their best to get everyone to leave the state. Just wait to see how high the taxes will be when they need $400 billion to insure all the illegals via single payer. The state current budget is $180 billion so they will need to raise taxes four-fold to implement the single payer. How does $15.00 per gallon gas and a 35 percent sales tax sound?
Leroy Achoy
Let’s all move to Mexico
If this goes through well I have been thinking about moving to Baja, so this will make the move a done thing. Boaters should all move their boats to Mexico. See how they like our not spending any money in Calif.
“Wake up, people”
This is insane!! There was a bill passed years ago to improve the roads, and the money went elsewhere while the roads were neglected. THEN… They say the roads are in desperate need of repairs so they can justify the worst taxes hike in the nation? Wake up people; I hope this is what you wanted in your vote.
Three-phase strategy
Gov. Brown already signed SB-1 back in late April but a grassroots campaign began last month to try and repeal this new tax hike via a three-phase strategy: Phase 1 – Recall state senators who supported the bill, starting with Sen. Josh Newman (D-Fullerton). His decisive vote helped give Democrats the super-majority needed to pass SB-1. Registered voters in his 29th District (which includes parts of Los Angeles, San Bernardino, and Orange counties) may sign the recall petition now. Click here for more info: bit.ly/2sJyJod. Phase 2 – Give Sacramento 30 days to rescind the car and gas tax or file additional Recall Initiatives against more state senators. Phase 3 – Pass a state-wide ballot initiative in 2018 to fix roads without a tax hike and impose accountability on transportation funds.
Re: Fishing license reform bill earns State Senate support (June 2-15 issue)
It’s about time
About time that this was done. I’m sure thousands more people will sign up for licenses.
Jeffrey Potter
Re: California Boater Card: Don’t get behind the wheel (of a boat) without it (April 21-May 4 issue)
Education is a good thing
It’s important to refresh your maritime knowledge. Captains are always continuing their education. Boaters licensing is severely needed. The fees will go towards maintenance of our water ways. It’s sad to read the negativity in all the letters sent to The Log on this issue. Education is a positive experience.
Tom Poster via email