On the Horizon
On the Horizon is a summarized Notice of Race for upcoming select regattas along the Southern California Coast. This column will briefly rephrase rules, regulations, qualifications, fees, and awards.
2023 Commodore’s Challenge (July 29)
SAN DIEGO— Southwestern Yacht Club will host the 2023 Commodore’s Challenge on July 29 in honor of Staff Commodore James Lonergan. The regatta will be governed by the rules as defined in the Racing Rules of Sailing. Each entry shall be helmed by the current Commodore of the Club for which the yacht is competing, or a member of the bridge if the Commodore is unavailable, from the warning signal through the finish of each race, except for one five-minute break, if necessary. Entries shall be submitted online via the SWYC website, www.southwesternyc.org, no later than 5 p.m. on July 27. The Staff Commodore James Lonergan Perpetual Trophy will be awarded to the first-place Club at Southwestern Yacht Club at the post-race award ceremony following the day’s regatta. Guest dock space will be available by reservation through the Southwestern Yacht Club front desk (619) 222-0438 or contact Carolyn Sherman, cmaidn@yahoo.com. For the complete Notice of Race, please visit https://www.regattanetwork.com/clubmgmt/regatta_uploads/26580/NOR.Draft21.pdf.
SLTWYC Doublehanded Race (July 30)
LAKE TAHOE— The South Lake Tahoe Windjammers Yacht Club will host the Doublehanded Race on July 30. This race will be governed by the rules as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing. Boats shall hold a current PHRF rating. The race committee may assign or adjust a boat’s rating to comply with ratings established by the SLTWYC and/or Lake Tahoe PHRF Committee. This regatta is open to monohulls with an LOA of 18 feet or greater. Registration for this event is $50. The racing venue will be on the waters of South Lake Tahoe, with the starting and finishing line near Tahoe Keys. Prizes will be awarded based on entries. For the complete Notice of Race, please visit https://www.regattanetwork.com/clubmgmt/regatta_uploads/25867/DHRNOR.pdf.
2023 Offshore Racing Series— Oceanside Sprint (Aug. 4)
DANA POINT— The Dana Point Yacht Club will host the Oceanside Sprint, the fourth of five races in the Offshore Racing Series, on Aug. 4. This race will be governed by the rules as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing. This regatta is open to boats in PHRF Spinnaker, Non-Spinnaker & ORCA classes. PHRF Spinnaker entries must have a current PHRF rating certificate. The entry fee for each Series Race is $40. Classes will be based on the type and number of entries received using PHRF Area E ratings. Any boat outside Area E where there is no Area E-rated boat will be based on their PHRF Regional ratings. Trophies will be awarded following each race, and Overall Series trophies will be awarded following ORS 5 on Aug. 19. Take-home trophies will be awarded to all classes for each race and the Overall Series. The overall winner in the PHRF Fleet for each race will be awarded the “Top Gun” flag. The overall winner in the PHRF Fleet for the Series will be awarded a special “Top Gun” award. There will be an Overall Series Trophy Party at DPYC following the racing of ORS 5 on Aug. 19. Racers from all five ORS races and guests are invited. For the complete Notice of Race, please visit https://www.regattanetwork.com/clubmgmt/regatta_uploads/26024/2023ORS_NOR.pdf.