Ventura will be beautiful
Ventura will be beautiful
Re: Ventura Harbor Marina and Yacht Yard moving forward with expansion plans (Dec. 4 issue). Can you imagine how Beautiful Ventura would be if they developed the area around the harbor? And I am not talking about “ruining” the open space, but just develop with a mix of homes, businesses, parks and make it a fun place to live, and a fun place to visit. It is time now for those who want to “protect” their open space to Go Away. Ventura will be beautiful!
Ventura Vinny
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Thoughts on Ethanol
Re: BoatUS warns of damage ethanol blended fuel can cause in stored boats (Nov. 20 issue). I found this in a West Marine article about fuel additives. Myth: fuel additives can cure or prevent all issues from ethanol-blended fuel. Truth: there is no practical additive that can prevent phase separation from occurring.
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More education needed
Re: Oceanside Harbor seeks update for human powered craft regulation (Nov. 6 issue.) Education (regarding boating) is usually never a bad thing, but we need to be careful of singling out who we are requiring to be educated. Other than PWC (age restrictions), race or event specific requirements, commercial craft and law enforcement there is no other required training for operators so why do we want to just limit training on SUPs or kayaks or rowboats or what else? I think we can all cite examples of powerboats, sailboats, commercial boats, and law enforcement craft not following the rules. I can cite numerous times a powerboat or sailboat or a fishing boat has violated the no wake requirements, or has come too close (in the open ocean where they have plenty of room to navigate) to me while paddling a kayak or rowing. All craft and their users bring dollars to the community so we need to think smartly about making it work for all. Just my 2 cents.
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Great location, bad traffic
Re: L.A. Supervisors approve boater friendly mixed-use project (Dec. 4 issue). The idea of re-purposing lot 44 is overdue and badly needed. However, before breaking ground on a new Trader Joes and relocating West Marine (again), I would have Marsha Santry, Richard Bruckner, Don Knabe, and Aaron Clark sit in weekday and weekend traffic on Lincoln Blvd, Admiralty Way, and Mindanao Way and tell me that introducing more congestion to this area is a good idea.
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