Letters/Online Comments

Stop wasting water

Stop wasting water

Thank you for the article explaining the importance of water rationing in the June 20 edition of The Log. It is very disappointing to know that not everyone is taking this drought seriously, and continuing to waste precious water.

I visit Avalon and Two Harbors on a yearly basis, usually in the summertime as a short get away, and am very much aware of the island’s water limitations. I will keep this in mind during my next trip to the island and be better prepared to do without during my time on the island.

We all need to take this drought seriously and stop wasting water. There are several life changes that can be made to help save more water. Hopefully others will see that.

Martha Stanton
Orange County

More dredging needed


Happy to read that President Barack Obama signed a bill to increase support for recreational boating. It’s about time boaters got a break.

Hopefully this bill leads to more dredging in local harbors to allow for better cruising for us boat owners who enjoy exploring harbors up and down the coast.

Fred McCoty

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