Letters/Online Comments

Letters/Online Comments

Re: Housing density bill, potentially affecting coastal development, put on hold (issue May 31-June 13)


California’s Coast is Overdeveloped Already

We do not need housing along the coast or coastal cities. Overdeveloped already. Notwithstanding, the majority of renters cannot afford these buildings. Time to expand into the desert and mountain communities. And boaters, no one cares anymore about us boaters. In 100 years, Marina Del Rey boaters will be gone and the area filled with dirt to build more coastal homes. It’s really sad.

Larry Nelson via Facebook


Re: To Rent or Not to Rent: Boating and the Peer-to-Peer Market (issue May 31-June 13)


Inexperienced Boaters

Come to Newport Harbor on a summer weekend. Lots of inexperienced people renting boats. It’s amazing few issues happen. We do get non-qualified captains offering charters for more than six people on a Duffy. Only time will tell.

Derek James Fox via Facebook


An Opportunity to Go Boating

Boat sharing gives more people the opportunity to go boating; it exposes more people to our sport. Young people who don’t want to invest in a boat (or the time and expense to maintain it) can still enjoy being on the water. Many of these people will eventually buy boats. And those that already own a boat can often pay for their moorage just by renting their boat a few times a year.

One issue is how they are insured. Virtually all recreational policies prohibit renting your boat. Boatsetter has partnered with BoatU.S. to provide customized insurance that protects both parties. The only other choice is a charter policy, which typically is much more expensive. Having the proper insurance is key to making sure other boaters and even marina facilities are protected from damage by a renter.

Most renters appear to be respectful of others at the marina. They’re plunking down a good chunk of cash, as well as a hefty deposit to enjoy a boat and are usually well vetted by their owners.

Charles Fort


All comments are edited for grammar and clarity. Full, unaltered comments can be read online at thelog.com or on social media sites.

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