Letters/Online Comments

Letters/Online Comments

RE: “Southern California’s underwater world of artificial reefs” (Feb. 7-20)

A few questions: 1/ Is there opposition to artificial reefs, and if so from who and on what basis? 2/ Most of the statistics provided are “raw” without any basis for comparison or even meaningful commentary, although the Paradise Cove numbers sound like they took a huge dive, is there any known reason? 3/ Have the reefs presented any problems for vessels of any size, small, large, or huge?

Brian Aherne


RE: “Will Redondo Beach’s King Harbor get a boat ramp in the next decade?” (Jan. 24-Feb. 6)

If we are successful CenterCal’s lease (ALPIF) that was passed by the city council just five weeks before the 2017 election will be voided. That means the $15 million lawsuit filed by CenterCal will be over and we can begin to revitalize our harbor and actually build a boat ramp.
Wayne Craig


RE: “In Memoriam: Robert ‘Bob’ Twilegar” (Jan. 24- Feb. 6)

I was just informed by a friend that Bob passed. Bob and I were close friends in our late teens and early 20’s. My mother Zoe Ann Rhodes and Bob’s father Burt were companions for many years. Through their relationship Bob and I became friends. The obituary I just read described Bobby I knew to the T. He never said much but when he did everyone listened. He was soft-spoken and gentle. Yet he was physically strong and always decisive. Best of all, Bob Twilegar was a true friend that never let anyone down. After Burt passed we lost touch. I will always regret that. I am pleased to see his life was blessed. I know Burt and of course, my mother would be very proud of him. To his family, I send my deepest condolences for their loss.



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