Letters/Online Comments
RE: “Possible Water Board hearing on desalination plant is nearing” (Feb. 21-March 5)
The Poseidon project’s growth inducing effects are unknown. The position Poseidon has taken is they will offer water for sale. The use of the waters will be decided by that purchaser(s) of their water. Growth inducing effects include population growth which in southern California will mean high density apartment and condominiums projects. The California Department of Housing and Community Development has issued their Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) for southern California. The state is mandating southern California cities and counties each do their share by zoning land to accommodate 1.3 million new housing units by 2029 (Then a new additional housing allocation will occur). In order for Southern California to continue to grow, Southern California needs more water. One alternative is desalinization (Poseidon), another is recycling waste water into drinking water. I don’t favor more growth, more traffic, congestion and air quality impact. While Poseidon has deferred identifying the use of the water to the purchaser, it is obvious the water will support new development.
David Tanner
RE: “Volunteer citizen scientists help photograph King Tides for sea level rise research” (Feb. 20-March 5)
As a surfer since the early 1960’s I can tell you the sea level is not rising. I surf spots that are high tide breaks that have rocks that barley stick up out of the water. They are the same amount sticking up now as there where was back when I was a kid in the 60’s.
Leroy Achoy
Poll results “Southern California’s underwater world of artificial reefs” (Feb. 7-20)
Have you used one of CDFW’s artificial reefs?
Yes, for fishing 71.43%
No, I didn’t know they existed 14.29%
Yes, for diving 7.14%
No, I know of them but have never sought them out 7.14%
Yes, for another reason 0%
All comments are edited for grammar and clarity.