Letters/Online Comments

Letters/Online Comments

RE: “Poseidon Water’s Desalination Plan: Are There Cracks in the Armor?” (May 15-28)

The issues as I see them are:

1) OCWD would only buy the water if there is a need. What is the need? Future growth. What future growth? The future growth Poseidon does not want to talk about because if they do, they have to analyze the environmental effects of that growth in their CEEQA document. (opening this can of worms would spell an end to their project which is why they are putting it off on the buyers to say how they will use the water)…..

2) The second point not being discussed is competition. MWD has embarked on a major pilot program to greatly expand the treatment of wastewater within its service area. The wastewater would be treated and injected into the ground where it would blend with other ground water and be pumped for domestic use (The program is called The Regional Recycled Water Program). Why would MWD embark on this program? They need more water to meet projected growth….and

3) Then there is the question of the environmental effects from the discharge of the concentrated saltwater brine back into the ocean. Combine this brine with the projected effects of climate change on ocean acidification of the Pacific Coast, the impact of ocean acidification on kelp forests and the ecosystems it supports and so on…

David Tanner


All comments are edited for grammar and clarity. Full, unaltered comments can be read online at thelog.com or on social media sites.

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One thought on “Letters/Online Comments

  • Pat McCormick

    We can all agree that getting out on the water is a great way to get away from the stressors of life. Most boaters get along well on the water and there are alway friendly rivalries between sailboaters and power boaters and members of different yacht clubs. I think the friendliness has crossed over a line with political candidate flags flying from boats underway and at their docks. The tranquility of the day is somehow interrupted and perhaps even broken by the political statements.
    At least one or more people are irritated by seeing a candidates flag they do not support and it takes the fun out of their day on the water. I have seen boats flying both parties candidates flags.
    Let’s keep our waterways a neutral zone to maximize the enjoyment for all.
    There are plenty of places to voice your political opinions….your car bumper, your front yard and the ballot box. Let’s keep our precious time on the water as enjoyable as possible for all.
    Pat McCormick
    Alamitos Bay


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