Letters/Online Comments

Letters/Online Comments

RE: “Floating boat cinema allegedly coming to Los Angeles and San Diego, how feasible is it?” (Aug. 7-20)

I really wanna try it out.

Motumotu Taefu


RE: “San Diego County’s boating restrictions are still in place” (Aug. 21-Sept. 3)

Am I missing something here? The charter boats with full loads of passengers, not from the same households are going out daily! So how does this restriction apply to private boaters but not to the charter boats?

Tom Smith


RE: “Waterfront Facelift: Portside Pier drops anchor in San Diego” (Aug. 21-Sept. 3)

I was really hoping there would be some adequate docks & breakwater wall but of course, no. So disappointing. Nice big place like that and a couple of puny little dock spaces. As with most places to dock & dine on the Bay, there’s no way I’ll dock my boat where the waves can thrash by boat up against the dock. Come on San Diego….you can do better than this.


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