Letters/Online Comments

Letters/Online Comments

RE: “Avalon Harbor Master JJ Poindexter retires” (Oct. 16-29)

Harbor Master Poindexter is the shining example of what every citizen of Avalon should strive to be. He is courteous, friendly, and personable. He knows everyone in the City and most of the island and always extends a friendly hand. I’ve worked with him for several years during the Underwater Cleanup where he and his Harbor Patrol have been of great assistance to not only the event itself but for the safety of the hundreds of divers. We are sorry to see him retire but are, at the same time, glad that he will remain in Avalon. Congratulations, JJ, and best wishes for many more years of happiness on the Island.

Doug Iversen


RE: “Redondo Beach earns partial legal victory against waterfront developer” (Oct. 16-29)

All of the lawsuits filed against the City of Redondo Beach by CenterCal (Redondo Beach Waterfront LLC) could have been avoided if the city council had just waited 5 weeks until after the election in 2017 to approve the project. Since then 5 lawsuits were filed that have cost Redondo Beach millions to defend. One has to wonder why our city attorney was not more forthcoming and urged the council to just wait when he does so on just about every other topic.

Wayne Craig

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