Letters/Online Comments

Letters/Online Comments

RE: “Boatel, food hall, water taxi among initial concepts for Channel Islands Harbor visioning” (Feb. 5-18)

There are no Theme Destination Project Directors involved in this notable harbor on the West Coast. This county plays games with consultant fees going to friends that have no experience in harbors. It is set up for failure as is and run-on dark money. The poll was not opened to state, the true stakeholders of this harbor, it’s public land. Then you have the people/leads on the Nextdoor website who undermine facts about this project and how dirty it is. By the way, this is the fifth largest harbor on West Coast, so maybe do some research, and the Boatel at former Harbor Town in Ventura was a bust! Maybe hire a Project Theme Director and ditch anyone who has no harbor theme experience. This has been stalled for 25+ years. Now, do you get it? It’s the new way to do favors for your friends or family with Consulting Contracts.

Dotty Pringle

RE: “Ports O’ Call Village 1971” (March 5-18)

The days of old. I was a dishwasher at The Siam West Restaurant in 1984. I remember a man dressed up as a native American like a statue and then scaring folks as they walked by. The many times in the 70s and 80s when filming a movie and meeting stars, they were pretty common at Ports of Call. The great food and music that were found every weekend were very enjoyable. I hope the future at the site/The San Pedro Marketplace, will bring back good times for future generations for years to come.



RE: “Port of San Diego Invites Boating Community to Participate in In-Water Hull Cleaning Survey” (March 19 – April 1)

When a vessel will permit and of course budget, all vessels should be on a dry berth boat float. It makes sense when practical and possible.

Christopher Carafino

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