Safe Harbor Ventura Isle
Amenities: Restrooms and showers, Wi-Fi, water, electricity, phone, cable TV, dock boxes, laundry, pump out. Restaurants, shops, launch ramp, chandleries, and boatyards adjacent; parking, security, exclusive member events, Reciprocal slips w/all Safe Harbor Marinas.
Office Hours: 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. daily
1363 Spinnaker Drive, Ventura, CA 93001
Phone: 805-644-5858
Fax: 805-644-0684
Dockmaster: Marina manager: Garrett McKinney
Quantity: 540; liveaboard slips and guest slips call for availability
Length: Length: 25-70 ft. End-ties to 98 ft.
Rates: Call for rates