Public invited to participate in California King Tides Project
OCEANSIDE—Sponsored by the California Coastal Commission, the California King Tides Project provides an opportunity for the general public to share photographs of King Tide events and their impacts on coastal resources.
The public is invited to participate by taking and sharing photos of the shoreline during King Tides to create a record of the changes to the coast from sea level rise. Photos can be uploaded online at or by downloading the Survey123 app. The next King Tide event takes place Feb. 8 and 9.
Those looking to participate can head out on their own, with friends and family, or join organized events, which are being held in various cities. Ocean Institute in Dana Point will host a capturing the King Tides nature walk from 10:30 to 11:30 on Feb. 8 and 9.
“Join us to learn about tides and how sea level rise is impacting our local coastline, then head to the local marine protected area to document the effects of the King Tides as a citizen scientist for the California King Tide Project,” the event description states.
The event is $5 per person, members free. RSVP online at
On Feb. 9 at 8:30, the public is invited to meet Oceanside city staff at Wisconsin Street and the Strand, at the public parking lot, to observe the King Tides and discuss what King Tide events suggests about the potential impacts of future sea level rise. The public will be invited to share input on those stretches of the coastline most impacted by tidal and storm events, as well as any changes witnessed on the beachfront over the past several years.