Standing Watch

Proposed state ballot initiative could allocate $3 billion for public recreational access

Parallel bills in Assembly and State Senate claim funds will benefit climate change response and habitat protection programs.

STATEWIDE — Efforts to make the California Coastal Commission more accessible to low-income and racially diverse urban communities were successful when Gov. Jerry Brown signed Assembly Bill 2616 (AB 2616) into law last year. This year’s legislative session features yet another bill proposing to increase access for disadvantaged communities.

Assembly Member Eduardo Garcia, D-Coachella, introduced Assembly Bill 18 (AB 18) on the legislative floor in December 2016. The bill calls for a voter initiative promoting increased access to outdoor recreational opportunities for all state residents to be placed on the June 2018 statewide primary ballot.

The California Clean Water, Climate, and Coastal Protection and Outdoor Access for All Act of 2018 would specifically ask California voters whether $3 billion in bonds should be issued to finance a “clean water, climate, and coastal protection and outdoor access for all program.”

Garcia’s legislative proposal stated the bill is necessary to improve the public’s access to recreational areas, including coastal waterfronts and inland waterways.

“Many Californians across the state lack access to safe parks, trails, and recreation areas, which limits their ability to experience the outdoors, improve their physical and emotional health, exercise, and connect with their communities,” the text of AB 18 stated. “Investments to create new and improve existing parks and recreation areas, and to create trail networks that provide access from neighborhoods to parks and recreational opportunities, will help ensure all Californians have access to safe places to exercise and enjoy recreational activities.”

Programs addressing climate change response, habitat protection and endangered species recovery would receive $1 billion of financial assistance from the state if the act clears the legislative process and is approved by voters.

Climate adaptation and resiliency programs would receive $600 million of the $1 billion allocation, with the balance to support protections of wildlife corridors, development of future recreational opportunities and enhancement of drought tolerance and water retention.

The bill and ballot measure proposes to allocate $25 million in grant funding to programs enhancing or increasing fish and wildlife habitat, reducing water pollution and promoting adaptation of sea level rise.

Another $45 million could be available for the California Ocean Protection Trust. The budget allocation would support marine wildlife programs by funding grants to support the state’s Marine Protected Areas and sustainable fisheries.

The State Coastal Conservancy could receive $95 million to protect beaches, bays and coastal watershed resources.

Garcia’s proposal added California’s outdoor recreation economy is an $87 million industry contributing more than 700,000 jobs and billions of dollars into local and state revenues.

Investing in outdoor recreational access, according to AB 18, would also help conserve natural resources for future generations and minimize the effects of climate change.

“Continued investments in the state’s parks, trails, and natural resources, and greening urban areas will help mitigate the effects of climate change, making cities more livable, and will protect California’s natural resources for future generations,” Garcia’s proposed legislation stated. “California’s state, local, and regional park system infrastructure and national park system infrastructure are aging, and a significant infusion of capital is required to protect this investment.”

State officials could direct funding to create new or alternate means of access to local waterways and other outdoor recreational pursuits if AB 18 clears the legislative process and is approved by voters in 2018.

State Sen. Kevin De Leon, D-Los Angeles, introduced a similar bill (Senate Bill 5, or SB 5) in the state senate.

If the bills are approved then California voters would vote on the California Clean Water, Climate, and Coastal Protection and Outdoor Access for All Act during the statewide primary election on June 5, 2018.

The act would take effect immediately if approved by voters.



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3 thoughts on “Proposed state ballot initiative could allocate $3 billion for public recreational access

  • C. Muller

    How about spending the money on water infrastructure and fighting rapidly rising crime instead? How about not taking so much property and sales tax money and leaving it with municipalities?

  • Leroy Achoy

    Promote ” safe parks, trails, and recreation areas”?
    Ihave seen what happens at Lake Fulmor on Wednesday and Thursday ( The day that the US Forest Service LEO have off) and is is not pretty.
    Blaring Music, drinking alcohol, throwing trash and dirty diaper in the lake.

    This bond act will destroy all Californians have access to safe places to exercise and enjoy recreational activities.

  • Bruce Vegter

    Headline reads “$3 Billion” text reads “$1 Billion” with over half for that going to Climate adaptation and resiliency programs. Think of the new state employees that would take. Just more state bureaucracy.



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Do we need the California Clean Water, Climate, Coastal Protection and Outdoor Access for All Act to protect access to outdoor recreational activity within the state? Should $3 billion be allocated to programs benefitting coastal access, climate change, habitat protection and sea level rise? Do you support the intent of the act but believe it does not require so much money?

You do not have to wait until the June 2018 statewide primary election to have your voice heard. Contact the following state legislators to share your thoughts on AB 18 and SB 5.

Assembly member Eduardo Garcia

760-347-2360, 760-355-8656, 916-319-2056

Twitter: @AsmEGarciaAD56

Assembly member Autumn Burke

310-412-6400, 916-319-2062


State Sen. Kevin DeLeon

213-483-9300, 916-651-4024

Twitter: @kdeleon

State Sen. Ben Allen

310-318-6994, 916-651-4026

Twitter: @BenAllenCA

State Sen. Patricia Bates

949-598-5950, 760-642-0809, 916-651-4036

Twitter: @SenatorPatBates

State Sen. Tony Atkins

619-645-3133, 916-651-4039

Twitter: @ToniAtkins

Recreational Boaters of California (RBOC)

Peter Robinson, 2017 President
