CCA CAL Launches Campaign to Preserve Recreational Fishing Access in California’s 30×30 Plan
The "Stop the 30x30 Closures" 2023 theme will kick off with a multi-media frenzy to bring costal no-fishing area awareness to anglers.
The Coastal Conservation Association of California (CCA CAL) has launched a multi-media campaign to generate public awareness and political pressure in opposition to establishing more coastal no-fishing areas within the development of the State of California’s 30×30 plan.
The campaign is launched in association with major sportfishing brands during the 2023 fishing tackle and boat-show season with a “Stop the 30×30 Closures” theme. The outreach program encourages anglers and others to help battle against the potential for 30×30 fishing closures by joining and contributing to CCA CAL, spearheading the struggle to preserve coastal angling access at the state regulatory level.
The 30×30 process, set in motion by an executive order by California Governor Gavin Newsom two weeks after the state’s legislature failed to pass a 30×30 bill, seeks to conserve 30 percent of coastal waters and lands by 2030. State regulatory agencies have already begun 30×30 planning and will soon start to draw lines for 30×30 areas along the California coast and offshore islands.
“We know that the state intends to use 30×30 as a tool to shut down more coastal areas to fishing,” says Wayne Kotow, executive director for CCA CAL, in a press release from Jan 17. “As the only state organization fighting for anglers’ rights, CCA CAL is committed to ensuring that recreational fishing is included in the state’s 30×30 areas.
“The State of California views anglers as a problem, but in reality, we are the original conservationists with a vested interest in strong marine ecosystems and biodiversity,” said Kotow. “We are committed to working toward solutions that conserve marine resources and, at the same time, preserve coastal fishing access. That includes fishing access for kids, for under-served communities, for everyone.”
CCA CAL’s “Stop the 30×30 Closures” campaign will appear in a wide range of media outlets, including print publications, fishing websites, social media, emails, podcasts, videos, displays at tackle-store and sport-boat landings, as well as at boat shows around the country.
“To keep California’s coastal fishing open in the 30×30 process, we need everyone’s help to make our voices heard,” Kotow says. “We need every California angler to join CCA CAL…Look for our ‘Stop the 30×30 Closures’ ads, displays, posts, and literature, and visit the CCA CAL website to join,” said Kotow.
The Coastal Conservation Association of California was created in 2015 when recreational anglers and outdoor enthusiasts came together to work for the conservation and enhancement of marine resources and coastal environments. Today, CCA CAL is working to protect the health, habitat, and sustainability of marine resources, but also the interests of recreational saltwater anglers. CCA CAL’s goal is to protect access to important marine resources. CCA CAL consists of thousands of members spread across local chapters throughout California.
To learn more about CCA CAL, visit