Letters/Online Comments

Letters/Online Comments

RE: “Ventura County begins ‘visioning process’ for Channel Islands Harbor redevelopment” (Oct. 2-15)

It would be so nice to keep the wharf flavor instead of another want to be Mediterranean style. Also would be wonderful to expand the park for events, concerts, etc.

Sandy mcfarland


Ventura County does not own Channel Islands Harbor. They only mismanage it.
It is Held in Public Trust. Again, contract given to friends and family, no real visioning plan just “helping friends” take advantage of Oxnard. Who is on this “Steering Committee”?

Dotty Pringle


RE: “Covid-19 and the parameters of recreational boating” (Oct. 2-15)

Congratulations to San Diego Association of Yacht Clubs (SDAYC) Boating Freedom Committee, working together with RBOC to get the San Diego County Supervisors to say yes to boating with crews to be allowed again. It was a big effort and hopefully the Governor will allow all boating in every county with crews soon.

Wayne Strickland, SDAYC Senior Director


After a year of no’s, finally a yes! Because of the new orders issued last Friday (9/25/2020) by the San Diego County Board of Supervisors allowing non-members of the same household on recreational boats – we can all go boating together! (Adhering to Safe Boating Protocols, of course). It “ain’t like it used to be” but it’s great to be sailing and racing again!

Peter M Phillips


RE: “Covid-19 forces Operation Clean Sweep to be “socially distant” (Oct. 2-15)

It used to be that the most common litter found scattered about was the disposable baby diaper. Now, I predict that this will be replaced by the face mask.

Bruce Brewer

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